When talking about moderation we should also remember the word "ABSTINENCE"...You cannot sin moderately!!! For example; *DRINKING ALCOHOL is an act that should not be exercised by a Christian.
*SMOKING is not to be practiced at all because it kills slowly,etc.
how do you define moderation????...when you go for a party an you are served with 8 bottles of fanta and you drink 6, then you'll say "at least I didn't finish all" this your definition for "MODERATION"??
some Bible text to back up moderation;
* Philippians 4:4-8 (let your moderation be known to all men.The lord is at hand)
* Proverbs 25:26-28 (like a wall whose wall has been broken through is a man who lacks self-control)...
When talking about moderation we should also remember the word "ABSTINENCE"...You cannot sin moderately!!! For example; *DRINKING ALCOHOL is an act that should not be exercised by a Christian.
*SMOKING is not to be practiced at all because it kills slowly,etc.
how do you define moderation????...when you go for a party an you are served with 8 bottles of fanta and you drink 6, then you'll say "at least I didn't finish all" this your definition for "MODERATION"??
some Bible text to back up moderation;
* Philippians 4:4-8 (let your moderation be known to all men.The lord is at hand)
* Proverbs 25:26-28 (like a wall whose wall has been broken through is a man who lacks self-control)...